Saturday, April 22, 1893
BAPTIST CHURCH-Mr. Bailey, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening services at 7 p.m. Sabbath School 12 m.
ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. J. F. Clancy, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock a.m.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-E. W. Ward, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 12 m. Children’s services 3 p.m. Class-meeting 6:15 p.m. Bible Study Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer-meeting Friday, 7 p.m.
GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH-Rev. Wm. A. Schuester, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening service at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school at 9 a.m.
GERMAN EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.
LOUNSBURY LODGE No. 751-Meets at their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C. H. Austin, W. M.; L. A. Powers, S. W.; F. W. Shipman, J. W.; H. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; W. J. Hanower, S. D.; Wm. McCredie, J. D.; A. Gleason, T.
BARRINGTON POST No. 275 G. A. R., Department of Ill.-Meet every second Friday in the month at Parker’s Hall. A. S. Henderson, Commander: L. F. Elvidge, S.Vv. C.; L. H. Bute, J. V. C.; A. Gleason, Q. M.; E. H. Clark, O. D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.; Henry Reuter, Sergt.; F. A. Langeschulte, Chap.
W. R. C. No. 85-Meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Emily Gleason, Pres.; Miss Bertha Seebert, Sec.
M. W. A. Camp 809-Meets first Saturday of each month at Lamey’s Hall. E. R. Clark, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; Fred Kirschner, B.; M. T. Lamey, Clerk; William Antholts, W.; Lynam Powers, E.; P. A. Hawley, S.
The Key to Success.
What makes the trader’s biz to hum-what make his clerks perspire? It isn’t “drummers” sent by train, nor messages by wire. Nor salesmen’s wily article, nor chief accountant’s fads: But the humping, bumping business resulteth from the ads. O, the all O, the ad: The light fantastic ad: The column and the paragraph-the page that faces news: It saves the merchant’s business from a going to the bad.
By a-raking in the patronage the public can’t refuse.
-Atlanta Constitution.
The members of the Chautauqua Circle spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lines last Monday.
Mr. Carl Naher moved this week into his house formerly owned by C. J. Dodge.
Mr. H. Dickinson of Chicago spent a number of days last week at the home of his cousin, O. E. Maynard.
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-A Western farm of 640 acres improved land. Call or address, William Dawson, Barrington, Ill.
It is reported that the syndicate will not improve their land this year: at any rate the property is nearly all rented to farmers for this season.
Mrs. Gillette, of Sheboygan Falls, Wis., is visiting relatives here this week.
C. N. Decker has bought of Jessie Miller one lot with frontage on Cook Street. Consideration, $200.
Mrs. Gustave Meyer attended the funeral of her niece, Miss Emma Lettner, at Hampshire, Ill., last Wednesday.
Miss Lydia Frye spent a number of days this week visiting with relatives in the city.
Mesdames J. Sizer and Leonard visited last Thursday at the home of the latter’s daughter, Mrs. D. Brand, at Wauconda.
Mr. Curtis Cruver of Chicago spent last Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. C. Wool.
Just like our mothers used to make—Coloins’ Jonesville, Wis. bread, sold only by John C. Plagge.
Clark McIntosh of Chicago visited last Sunday at the home of his parents.
Mens’ and boys’ clothing at A. W. Meyer & Co.
Grant Robinson and wife of Elgin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Townsend this week.
Mr. Parker is very low. Recovery is almost impossible.
A library benefit entertainment will be given by the School and Home Talent Comedy Society in school district No. 8, on Friday evening, April 28. The program will consist of dialogues, recitations, tableaux, music and singing. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Admission only 15 cts.
Miss C. B. Holdridge,
Mrs. H. H. Church presented the G. A. R. post with an enlarged portrait of her late husband. The deceased was a member of this post..
Java coffee siftings 22 cents a pound at A. W. Meyer & Co.
Mr. C. H. Ward of Sterling, the traveling car inspector, was the guest of Mr. Wink on Friday of last week.
The Rev. Cook preached in the M. E. Church last Sunday evening. Mr. Wailer of India, who is now a student at Evanston, will fill the pulpit next Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Smith and Mister Dudley of Mayfair is visiting at the home of her parents this week.
Mr. A. K. Townsend had a runaway last Monday, fortunately there was but very little damage done.
Bert Austin of Mayfair was the guest of H. Gieske on Friday of last week.
Miss Milia Thies and Miss May Reese of Plum Grove visited with friends here last Sunday.
It is rumored that Mr. and Mrs. Buck were married a few years ago and are now living out West.
Mr. John Jahnke has commenced to build a barn on his property in which he will live during the erection of his house.
The annual school meeting was held at the school house last Saturday evening, but a very small number were present. Mr. L. A. Powers was re-elected school director.
Samuel Gieske visited his brother at Elgin last Sunday.
Mr. W. D. Shaw of Oak Park visited at L. E. Runyan’s Thursday and Friday of last week.
The W. R. C. catered the members of the G. A. R. with a surprise party at the hall last Friday evening.
M. W. Marvin, Lake County Superintendent of schools, made a call here Wednesday of last week.
Miss Bertha Seebert visited friends at Cary last Sunday.
Dr. Olcott and family of Chicago spent last Sunday at the home of F. A. Cady.
George Frye of Nunda was a guest of Mr. G. Frye last Sunday.
A number of Palestine people attended services at the Baptist Church last Sunday evening.
Men’s fine shoes-all styles at A. W. Meyer & Co.
Mrs. Daniels and grandson, of New York, who have been visiting her niece, Mrs. H. Hawley, have left for Minnesota.
Mr. Hobein has raised the building which has been in use by the band, making it a two-story building. It is rumored that the first floor is to be occupied as a hardware store.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Radke visited relatives at Cary last Sunday.
Edward Sodt called on friends at Nunda last Sunday.
Wm. Dawson visited with his parents a few days of this week.
Edward Bauman is now working for H. D. A. Grebe.
W. D. Church of Nebraska is visiting relatives here this week.
Miss Katie Fitzgiven returned to her home in Wisconsin last week after a few weeks’ visit with her brother.
John Lodge of Lake Miles, Wis. Is making his parents a visit this week.
J. Palmer moved in his house this week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner, a boy.
Subscribe for the Review, only $1 a year when paid in advance.
Mr. G. Lageschulte made a business trip to Waukegan last Saturday.
Miss Mamie Crowley of Chicago visited relatives here last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vermylia and sons, Harry and Ralph, made a short visit with relatives at Nunda last Sunday.
Mrs. Tomkins of Nebraska is visiting at the home of A. D. Church this week.